For a researcher to conduct quality research, they must, among other things, demonstrate certain behaviours and qualities.
In the workplace, every researcher should be sincere. They need to be committed and spend the majority of their time on research projects.
Time wasted on useless tasks will never be fruitful. It is important to carefully plan out a timeframe for finishing the assigned research assignment.
one's work, and in acknowledging the work of others is referred to as being honest. Honesty also refers to accurately reporting all findings and making assertions that are supported by the evidence.
Rigor is the ability to select and follow proper procedures, come to informed decisions, and present the findings.
It is disclosing the procedures used to collect data, analysing and interpreting it, and making the results broadly available, especially to the general public.
Show consideration for the environment and all study participants. Behave with courtesy toward instructors, staff, and other students.
Demonstrate mutual trust to promote open exchange of ideas.
Ensure equity in institutional norms, policies, and procedures as well as in communications among study group participants.
Maintaining high standards of behaviour in studying, teaching, and research ethically is important for fostering academic integrity among all university employees
Comply with all applicable rules and regulations when doing and publishing research, including those pertaining to copyright, third parties' intellectual property rights, the terms and conditions governing access to research resources, and libel laws.